Saturday, October 15, 2011

Raising Emotionally Healthy Children

The best part about raising emotionally healthy children is to have confident children who can make wise decisions as well as face challenges in life without fear. If children are not raised emotionally healthy, then there are great chances of raising children who have fear in their minds and are always scared to take up challenges. Such under-recognized children usually feel vulnerable to most of the situations they face and thus prefer staying back trying to avoid the critics and non-acceptance.
Thus raising emotionally healthy children should be a primary goal of each and every parent, if they wish to see their children climbing on each steps of their life confidently without any fear. For raising emotionally healthy children, one has to enjoy and interact with their children in emotionally healthy way, thus to imbibe the same in their children. So for parents who emotionally abandon their children this could act as a wake-up call. For parents who fail to satisfy the emotionally healthy needs of their children end up forcing them to failure. Though it won’t entirely be a blame for the parents, but they would be equally responsible for providing their kids with such poor base.

Is it upon parents to raise emotionally healthy children?

Yes it is completely upon parents to raise emotionally healthy children as children depend as well communicate more with parents in their growing years than anybody else. Above all children knowingly as well as unknowingly learn more about communication by the way we live, the way we deal with our life and by the way we speak and handle situation. Children receive direct message as well as indirect message from the adults that live around them.

How to raise emotionally healthy children

To raise emotionally healthy children parents need to encourage and contribute more towards raising positive as well as healthy attitude within children.

Provide your child with the freedom to express his feelings

When a child wishes to express his feelings in front of you, allow him to do so as his feelings as well as emotions too do count. Let your child feel free to express the way he feels things, the way he feels disappointments and the way he wishes to handle tense situations.

Allow the child the freedom to speak

Children are usually not allowed to finish their conversations by parents because they already decide that their children are wrong. Maybe yes! But what is in it to hear out your kid who wants you to know something. When a child is heard he feels included and cared. Allow the child to know that his view points and considerations are worth listening.

Show your child how much you appreciate his good behavior

Appreciate your child’s behavior. Few parents master the art of bombarding their children with the mistakes they do, but forget to appreciate good behavior, which is entirely wrong.

Make it clear what you expect from your child

Don’t keep changing rules every single day. Let the child know what you expect from him. It shouldn’t be as if one day you tell him you want things done this way and the next day you ask him to follow some other rules. Don’t confuse your child. Rather be specific and stick to the rules.
Discipline should be treated as an education
Discipline should not be treated as if you are taking away certain freedom from your child and creating anarchy. Instead parents should make children feel that by following discipline, children are just learning good habits. This way they tend to follow discipline more.

Enjoy some leisure time with children

“All work and no play make Jack a dull boy”. Don’t keep bombarding your child with rules and discipline all day long. It will be great if you spend some leisure time together, which can actually refresh your child’s mind. How about watching a movie together, going to a mall, having an ice-cream or just playing with them. Spend some quality time together with children everyday ensure emotional healthy atmosphere within the house, thus ensuring children too get raised emotionally healthy!

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